First kisses are always daunting to many of us. Moreover, if he is someone very special with whom you want to get serious with then it becomes even scarier. You may know how to kiss well and must have kissed a lot of guys before. However, if you are worried about making a good impression on him and want to know How to Kiss a Boy Romantically for the First Time, then this article is for you.
The bad kiss on the first date in most cases considered as a deal breaker. Here are few first kiss tips to avoid the awkwardness of hugs and kisses of the first date with you Mr. Special.
- Prep yourself: Before we understand how to kiss someone for the first time, it is important that we prep our lips and mouth for the occasion. Make sure that lips are soft and certainly not chapped. Also, avoid too much lip gloss or heavy lipstick instead chose for a fruity lip balm. Your breath must feel fresh. Take care of it, if you had some smelly food. Dress up for the occasion and smell good.
- Be clear about your intentions: Women of today must not shy away from initiating intimacy. However, to avoid clumsiness of the first date you can send subtle signals. Look at his lips often enough that he notices. Lean closer to him, your man will surely notice these hints.
- Let it happen naturally: Don’t jump the guns, let it happen naturally and try to match to his rhythm. Both of you might have different kissing techniques when you start slowly and gently you create your own style. Do not try to force something on him. The tongue will have to wait, it will come but not in the start. Let it be a lip to lip kiss initially and keep it short.
- Let him take the lead: Let the guy take the lead. Guys enjoy believing that they are the one who is controlling things. Don’t press it too hard together. Relax your lips no one wants to feel like kissing a wall.
- Less talking more Actions: Don’t try to talk in between and break the rhythm of that special moment. Let your lips to the talking here. Unnecessary conversations will kill the mood you are in.
- Use your hands: Explore his face, arms, and back with your hands while kissing. Pull him closer and hug while kissing each other, this ensures that he will never forget the first kiss with you.
- Change the position of your face: Keep changing the direction of head and face to break the pattern and kiss on either side of the face. Turn away your face so that he can lean in and kiss your face and neck. This will be a trigger to take things to next level.
- Next base: If you want to know how to kiss a guy to turn him on, then you must keep these things in mind. Kiss him at other places besides his lips. You can use your teeth to create that extra sensation over his lips.
So, now there should be no confusion about how to kiss properly or how to kiss a guy for the first time. Go on and plan your special date with your special guy.